Thursday, November 13, 2008

About a Stopped Watch!!

Yesterday as usual i dressed up hurriedly and put on my watch only to realise later that it had stopped ticking at precisely 11 hours 16 minutes and 56secs. At first i got terribly shocked and trembled at the thought of entering the office when ppl start coming out of a scheduled meeting. Thank god and thank my mobile which showed the correct time and i was relieved.

But somehow inspite of knowing that my watch had stopped i kept wearing it throughout the day. It struck to me that "A Stopped Watch shows the correct time atleast twice a Day". You may call it heights of positive thinking( but i say it is sheer plagiarism because i read it somewhere) . For the past few days I was slightly down on my confidence levels because of the things happening around or the fact that nothing was happening around:-). Thought life has come to a standstill. But my Stopped Watch taught me a lot to look at the brighter side of the things and to just move on.

Well I made it a point to look at my watch at the two times when exactly it was showing the correct time(relative to the nearest clock of course).

Dont throw away a stopped watch. Wear it the whole day. Thats what i suppose is called "wearing your attitude" of postive thinking. But never desert this attitude.
For my part i will continue wearing my stopped watch otherwise i will never get a new battery for it :-)